Monday, July 12, 2004

Why Another Blog?

"Who am I? Why am I here?!"
- United States Admiral James Stockdale (Ret.)

I thought I would begin my new life in the blogoverse with a little note of existentialism from Stockdale, a seminal fixture in '90s political trivia. Tonight, bored by the prospect of King of the Hill and Simpsons reruns and planning for my big trip to Japan beginning this Friday, I turned to the internet. But it wasn't the lure of movie gossip, illegally plundered booty from the big Music conglomerates or even good ol' Internet porn. Tonight, I heard the siren song of the little orange button on my google toolbar. Let there be Blog.

I guess my big beef is that it's way too easy for anyone to have a blog these days. If I'm here, it must be easy. I'm notoriously lazy. The blogosphere (Until Webster's recognizes one of them I will probably end up using Blogosphere and Blogoverse interchangeably, if you're reading me, get used to it) is a great place to throw out all kinds of uninformed opinions and unchecked "Facts". I want to be able to focus on observations. I have no fact checkers. I have no safety net. I'll just say what I see. Kind of a "We report, you decide" thing.

I want to at least try and make this blog work without getting into politics, but politics always ends up coming out. It's in the way I can't help dropping what I see as the alarming populism of Canada's Conservative party into casual discussion. It's when I'll be on a date, and will open my mouth about how I feel like George W. Bush's administration is harming America. I will try to hold back the floodgates as long as I can, but with Canada's elections over (Although a round 2 in the near future is distinctly possible), and the American elections coming soon, this is a big political season, and yes, the subject will come up.

Why will anyone read my blog? Well, because I tell them it's here. This is no mass audience, economy of scale medium. If you're reading me it's because you probably know me. And if you don't, thanks for stopping by, feel free to stay a while, use the couch, and come back anytime! Here I am another unique voice, just like everyone else here...


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